60001878 How can I alter or change the exceptions and dialogs that occur

Article 60001878
Type General
Product Engine
Version 6023
Date Added 12/18/2012 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (12/19/2012 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Marty Isaacs


How to alter or change the exceptions that occur when the user tries to delete a layer/textstyle/dimstyle that is named STANDARD or used in the drawing.


Please check the Following Exceptions that VectorDraw is raising and the developer can catch. Some of these exception's messages are shown to the end user. The Developer can control the display of these messages in vdres.txt

ChangeOwnerException , This exception is raised when an illegal owner change occurs. This message is usually shown to the developer
"Object " *** " cannot change owner."
where *** can be Layer , Dimension etc.... (an object type).

DublicateItemInCollection , This exception is raised when the same object is added twice in a collection. This message is usually shown to the developer
"Object " *** " with handle " *handle* " has already been added in collection."
where *** can Layer , Dimension etc.... (an object type).

CannotDeleteException , This is raised usually when a primary cannot be Deleted. This message is shown in VectorDraw forms when a Layer,Textstyle,Dimstyle etc.. cannot be deleted either because it is the STANDARD or it is used in the drawing.
"Object " *** " cannot be deleted."
where *** is Layer , DimStyle, TextStyle etc...

CannotRenameException , This is raised usually when a primary cannot be Renamed. This message is shown in VectorDraw forms when a Layer,Textstyle,Dimstyle etc.. cannot be renamed because either it is the STANDARD OR the name already is in use.
"The name " 'name' " exists in the objects table.\nSelect a deferent one."
"Object of type " *** " with name " 'name' " cannot be renamed."
where *** can Layer , Dimension etc.... (an object type).

InvalidPropertyValueException , This exception is mainly raised to the Developer when he passes an invalid property to a method or property.
"Invalid property value in " 'Method' " property"
where Method is the current Method that the exception is raised.

InvalidTableNameException , This exception is raised when the developer or the user enters an invalid name to a primary (layer , Dimstyle etc...)
"Invalid Table name"

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