Article | 70002567 |
Type | HowTo |
Product | Engine |
Version | 1101 |
Date Added | 9/20/2024 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (9/20/2024 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | VectorDraw Team |
How to insert a specific block from an other existing drawing
c# code:
//suppose blocklibrary.dwg exist and contains a block with Name 'myblock' String sourceFilePath = @"c:\blocklibrary.dwg"; String blockName = "myblock"; double xInsert = 10.0, yInsert = 10.0, zInsert = 0.0; VectorDraw.Professional.Components.vdDocumentComponent tmpdoccomponet = new VectorDraw.Professional.Components.vdDocumentComponent(); vdDocument tmpdoc = tmpdoccomponet.Document; //get a temporary document tmpdoc.Open(sourceFilePath);//open the drawing that contains the block //get the block object and export as vdDocument memory object vdBlock blk = tmpdoc.Blocks.FindName(blockName); vdDocument blockdoc = blk.ToDocument(); //insert the previous vddocument memory reference the block to the blocks of the original document vdBlock block_new = doc.Blocks.AddFromDocument(blockName, blockdoc, false); //create and add an insert object reference the new inserted block vdInsert ins = new vdInsert(doc); ins.InsertionPoint = new gPoint(xInsert, yInsert, zInsert); ins.Block = block_new; doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(ins); doc.ActiveLayOut.ZoomExtents(); doc.Redraw(true); c++ ActiveX #import "System.Drawing.tlb" #import "mscorlib.tlb" rename("ReportEvent","_ReportEvent") #import "VectorDraw.Serialize.tlb" #import "VectorDraw.Geometry.tlb" #import "VectorDraw.Render.tlb" #import "VectorDraw.Actions.tlb" #import "VectorDraw.Professional.tlb" rename("GetEnvironmentVariable","_GetEnvironmentVariable") #import "vdrawi5.tlb" \ rename("RGB","_RGB") \ rename("GetOpenFileName","_GetOpenFileName") \ rename("GetEnvironmentVariable","_GetEnvironmentVariable") \ //suppose blocklibrary.dwg exist and contains a block with Name 'myblock' CString sourceFilePath = _T("D:\\blocklibrary.dwg"); CString blockName = _T("myblock"); double xInsert = 10.0, yInsert = 10.0, zInsert = 0.0; CVdraw tmpvd;//a temporary vdraw control to hold a new document it will be disposed on CVdraw deconstructor on function exit tmpvd.Create(_T(""), WS_CHILD, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, -1); tmpvd.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); VectorDraw_Professional::IvdDocumentPtr tmpdoc = tmpvd.GetActiveDocument().GetWrapperObject();//get the document of the temporary vdraw control tmpdoc->Open(bstr_t(sourceFilePath));//open the drawing that contains the block //get the block object and export as vdDocument memory object VectorDraw_Professional::IvdBlockPtr blk = tmpdoc->Blocks->FindName(_bstr_t(blockName)); VectorDraw_Professional::IvdDocumentPtr blockdoc = blk->ToDocument(); //insert the previous vddocument memory reference the block to the blocks of the original document VectorDraw_Professional::IvdDocumentPtr doc = mVdraw.GetActiveDocument().GetWrapperObject(); VectorDraw_Professional::IvdBlockPtr block_new = doc->Blocks->AddFromDocument(_bstr_t(blockName), blockdoc, VARIANT_FALSE); //create and add an insert object reference the new inserted block VectorDraw_Professional::IvdInsertPtr ins = doc->Activator->CreateInstance("vdInsert"); ((VectorDraw_Professional::IvdBaseObjectPtr)ins)->SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); ((VectorDraw_Professional::IvdPrimaryPtr)ins)->setDocumentDefaults(); ins->insertionPoint->SetValue(xInsert, yInsert, zInsert); ins->Block = block_new; doc->Model->Entities->AddItem((VectorDraw_Professional::IvdFigurePtr)ins); doc->ActiveLayOut->ZoomExtents(); doc->Redraw(VARIANT_TRUE);