Article | 60000052 |
Type | Wish |
Product | Engine |
Version | 7003 |
Date Added | 3/6/2007 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (4/1/2015 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | Bryan Youn |
Add permisions to files for printing editing etc.
In version 7004 we added a new property to the vdFileProperties like below
public FilePermissionsEnum FilePermissions
The enum can take the following values
public enum FilePermissionsEnum
None = 0,
Edit = 1,
Default value is 1 which means that the drawing can be edited.
C# use
doc.FileProperties.FilePermissions = vdFileProperties.FilePermissionsEnum.None;
This way the file will not be able to be edited. The following actions and commands are only possible.
Commands : cmdDistance,CmdArea
Actions : ActionPan,ActionGetRectFromPointSelectDCS,ActionUserDynamicRot,WalkThroughAction
Properties change : ViewCenter,ViewSize,ActiveLayOut,Background,osnapMode,World2ViewMatrix,PerspectiveMod,RenderMode
Note that this property is saved in VDML,VDCL format.