60000057 Properties AlignToView, AlignToViewSize to ensure that the object is always aligned and with specific size to the current DCS

Article 60000057
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 6013
Date Added 3/6/2007 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (10/25/2008 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Marc Seguin


Objects vdCircle , vdTect and vdInsert from version 6014 have 2 new properties named AlignToView and AlignToViewSize.AlignToView is a boolean value that defines if the plane of the object is relative to the current view.AlignToViewSize is an integer value that represents the height of the object in output Device millimeters. Please note that when AlignToView is true the extrusion vector of the object is relative to Current view coordinative system and not to World as the default behaviour is.Also the Rotaion property when AlignToView is true is relative and counterclockwise from axis X of current view coordinative system.Please note that users of VB 6  must import VectorDraw.Professional.tlb and use the IAlignToView interface to call these properties. 


properties added in 6014

AlignToView = false

AlignToView = True

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