60000279 Ruler example in Csharp vdframed control

Article 60000279
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 6013
Date Added 10/23/2007 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (9/10/2008 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Giorspyros Vissarion & Mario Perino


Ruler example in C# vdframed control


In version 6014 a new vdRuler object was added in vdScrollableControl.

To enable the ruler in the VDFramed control use a code like vdFramedControl1.ScrollableControl.RulerObject.Visible = true;

Also new properties was added in vdraw.ocx Wrapper component:

RulerIsVisible as boolean

RulerIsInMillimeters  as boolean

RulerIsModelInPrinterPaper as boolean

RulerBackColor as String in format (Red,Green,Blue)

*You should keep in mind that in order for the ruler to properly display, the rotation of the WorldToViewMatrix (twist) should be 0.*

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