60000671 New features for CmdDim and Angular dimension type

Article 60000671
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 6013
Date Added 10/15/2008 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (10/16/2008 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Kim, Geun Young


1.CmdDim to support 3 dimension point array for DefPoints parameter with Angular dimension type. 2.CmdDim to support arc object for DefPoints parameter with Angular dimension type.


Added in 6014.

In CmdDim method if Type parameter equals to dim_Angular ( = 5)

A.if DefPoints parameter is an array of 3 points an Angular dimension is drawn with Angle Vertex the 1st point ,Angle First Point the 2nd point and Angle Second Point the 3rd point.

B.if DefPoints is a vdArc object an Angular dimension is drawn with Angle Vertex the center point of arc ,Angle First Point on the startAngle of the arc  and Angle Second Point the end angle.

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