60001862 I would like to set the tille of the layer form

Article 60001862
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 6023
Date Added 11/26/2012 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (11/26/2012 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Louis Frank


I would like to set the tile of the layer form among other forms.


In version 6024 we added one more property to the VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.
In this static class you can set the start position of the form , the location and now the title of the form.

c# example
VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.VdrawDialogs.staticStartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.VdrawDialogs.staticLocation = new Point(10, 10);
VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.VdrawDialogs.staticFormTitle = "This is my title";
VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.VdrawDialogs.staticStartPosition = FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultLocation; //Remember to set the value back since this is a static property!
VectorDraw.Professional.Dialogs.VdrawDialogs.staticFormTitle = "";//Remember to set the value back since this is a static property!

vb example
Dim dialogs As New VectorDraw_Professional.VdrawDialogs
dialogs.FormTitle = "This is my title"
dialogs.StartPosition = FormStartPosition_Manual
dialogs.LocationX = 100
dialogs.LocationY = 10
dialogs.InitializeVdrawDialogs VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject
dialogs.FormTitle = ""

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