70000937 vdFigure ShowGrips property change to fire the OnBeforeModifyObject and OnAfterModifyObject

Article 70000937
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 7009
Date Added 11/17/2016 12:00:00 AM
Fixed 7.7010.0.2 (11/17/2016 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Sami Tainio


vdFigure ShowGrips property change to fire the OnBeforeModifyObject and OnAfterModifyObject


Added in version 7010.0.2


doc.OnAfterModifyObject += new vdDocument.AfterModifyObjectEventHandler(doc_OnAfterModifyObject);
//change the HighLight property when ShowGrips is changed.
void doc_OnAfterModifyObject(object sender, string propertyname)
            if (propertyname == "ShowGrips") ((vdFigure)sender).HighLight = ((vdFigure)sender).ShowGrips;

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