70000988 Mousemove event to be fire after default vdraw web control actions

Article 70000988
Type Wish
Product WebJS
Version 7009
Date Added 1/19/2017 12:00:00 AM
Fixed 7.7010.0.7 (1/19/2017 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by VectorDraw Team


Mousemove event to be fire after default vdraw web control actions


In version 7010.0.7 a new event vdmousemoveAfter was added to vdrawCanvas control

 //Show custom toolip even if an action is active
            vdcanvas.ToolTip.AutoShow = false;
            vdcanvas.vdmousemoveAfter = _vdmousemoveafter;

            function _vdmousemoveafter(e) {
                var point = [e.xPix, e.yPix, 0];
                var pv = vdcanvas.PixelToView(point);
                vdcanvas.ToolTip.show(pv, e.x.toFixed(2).toString() + "," + e.y.toFixed(2).toString());//display the world cordinates of the cursor position

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