70001294 New Rendering Filter property added to the Document

Article 70001294
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 7014
Date Added 3/10/2018 12:00:00 AM
Fixed 7.7015.0.2 (4/24/2018 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by VectorDraw Team


New ColorDisplay values for vdRender ColorPalette property


In version 7015.0.1 we added a new property to the Document named RenderingFilter which can take one of the following values


  • None = 0<\li>
  • Filter1 = 1 : Edge detection algorithm 1<\li>
  • Filter1 = 2 : Edge detection algorithm 2<\li>
  • Filter3 = 3 : Edge detection algorithm 3<\li>
  • Filter1_BW = 4 : Same as Filter1 but output in Black And White<\li>

We used 3 different algorithms of edge detection for filter 1,2 and 3. There is no need to explain coding differences between these options , try it yourself and choose which best suits your drawings.
The above property can be used with the ColorPalette property (TrueColor , BW , Greyscale) and also with the RenderMode (RenderOn , ShadeOn etc...) to create various effects.

RenderingFilterFlag : None

RenderingFilterFlag : Filter2

RenderingFilterFlag : Filter1 , RenderOn , EdgeColor : Black , BackGroundColor : White

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