70001312 Export events to fire when user clicks on the ViewCube

Article 70001312
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 7014
Date Added 4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
Fixed 7.7015.0.2 (4/3/2018 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Luca Mancusi


Is it possible to export events that fire when user clicks on the ViewCube? I would like to do certain zooms when user click on specific views.


A new event OnViewCubeClick of vdDocument was added in version 7015.0.2. This events works only in ViewCube is visible and when clicking the ViewCube and not when draging it.
Example 1 (doesn't allow to view from below) :

doc.OnViewCubeClick += new vdDocument.ViewCubeClickEventHandler(doc_OnViewCubeClick);

void doc_OnViewCubeClick(object sender, IViewCubeClickArgs args)
     vdDocument doc = sender as vdDocument;//in case you need this
     //see below about args properties
     Vector v = args.PickVector;
     //allow only to change the view, looking from the top of the model.
     if (v.z <= 0) args.Cancel = true;

Example 2 (does a zoom-out when clicked) :

doc.OnViewCubeClick += new vdDocument.ViewCubeClickEventHandler(doc_OnViewCubeClick);

void doc_OnViewCubeClick(object sender, IViewCubeClickArgs args)
     vdView cubeview = args.DefaultCalculatedView;
     cubeview.ViewSize = cubeview.ViewSize * 3.0d; // make also a zoom-out

IViewCubeClickArgs contains the following properties

vdViewCube sender : the The vdDocument.ViewCube object

int PickId :Defines the position id where the user pick. See PickVector to get the viewdir for the pick id.

CubePickItemTypeFlag PickItemType : Returns the view cube item type that the user click.It can be Cude or Compass

IvdRenderingView Renderview : Returns the active rendering view where the viewcube is reference to.Usually a vdLayout or a vdViewport.

Vector PickVector :Returns the ViewDir for the selected PickId.Default implemantion uses this vector to change the WorldToView matrix for the active view.

vdView DefaultCalculatedView :A vdView filled with default implemation WorldToView , ViewCenter and ViewSize for the active view, depend on PickVector. User can make extra changes to this vdView and overwite the default zoom implementation.

bool Cancel :Set this as true in order not to run the default VectorDraw code.

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