70002480 Version 11 nugets and net6 library

Article 70002480
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 1005
Date Added 2/22/2024 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (2/22/2024 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Peter Chanios


Version 11 nugets and net6 library


In version 11 we added nugets in nuget.org VectorDraw.Drawing.Framework.Net-4.x VectorDraw.Drawing.Framework.Net-6.x And also we have exported a native .net6 core library that can be used in Framework 6.x and up winforms applications. See below how to use it:
The first time you use our components in your machine, you need to start the VisualStudio with Administrative rights. That is only once. After this you can run it normally as you already do:

Create a new Windows Forms Project:

Then set the preferences of the nuget manager to use the format PackageReference


Then in the nuget.org search for VectorDraw, and choose the package and install it:

In the form's code add these lines so you add the vdFramedControl in the form. Similarly you can do the same for vdScrollable, vdBaseControl, etc:

Run the project:


See also this link: https://www.nuget.org/packages/VectorDraw.Drawing.Framework.Net-4.x

Similarly you can do for VS2022 and VectorDraw.Drawing.Framework.Net-6.x, see https://www.nuget.org/packages/VectorDraw.Drawing.Framework.Net-6.x

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