70002482 Wish to have a method to calculate the outer boundary of some entities

Article 70002482
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 1005
Date Added 2/26/2024 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (2/26/2024 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Schell Thomas


Wish to have a method to calculate the outer boundary of some entities


In version 11.1.3 we have implemented and exported two methods in the commandAction of the Document like below

summary> Calculates the outer boundary of a given selection and a point inside the closed area.
param name="SelSet">A selection of vdFigures (see object) or "USER"/null so the user can pick entities from the screen.
param name="Point">A point in WCS inside the closed area that needs to be calculated.
returns>Returns a collection of Vertexes which represent the inner boundary of the passed entities that also includes the passed point.
public Vertexes Find_InBoundCurve(object SelSet, object Point)

summary> Calculates the outer boundary of a given selection.
param name="SelSet">A selection of vdFigures (see object) or "USER"/null so the user can pick entities from the screen.
returns>Returns a collection of Vertexes which represent the outer boundary of the passed entities.
public Vertexes Find_OutBoundCurve(object SelSet)

Some entities that we want to calculate the outer boundary (lines , arcs , polyline with bulges)

Outer Boundary

Some entities that we want to calculate the inner boundary (lines , arcs , polyline with bulges)

Inner Boundary

In SimpleCAD application you can find these methods in the commandline by searching commands : FindInBoundCurve , FindOutBoundCurve

Or in the menu under Modify-> Boundary

C# Code

Vertexes verts = doc.CommandAction.FindOutBoundCurve(null);
if (verts != null && verts.Count > 0)
    //Create a thick red polyline to see the result
    VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline result = new vdPolyline(doc);
    result.PenColor.ColorIndex = 0;
    result.LineWeight = VdConstLineWeight.LW_158;
    result.VertexList = new Vertexes(verts);

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