Article | 70002545 |
Type | Wish |
Product | Engine |
Version | 11 |
Date Added | 7/20/2024 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (7/20/2024 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | liufutao |
I want to calculate the smallest circle that includes all the points of a polyline
In version 11.2.2 we added the following method to the vdCurve object
summary> Calculates and returns the center and the redius of the smallest circle that includes all the points of the polyline.
remarks>The polyline must be 2D.
param name="Center">The return center of the calculated circle.
param name="radius">The return radius of the calculated circle.
returns>True if the operation was succesfull.
public bool FindSmallestEnclosingCircle (out gPoint Center, out double radius)
c# code example
gPoint pt = null; vdFigure fig = null; doc.Prompt("Select Curve:"); StatusCode scode = doc.ActionUtility.getUserEntity(out fig, out pt); doc.Prompt(null); vdCurve curve = fig as vdCurve; if (curve != null) { gPoint center; double radius; bool succ = curve.FindSmallestEnclosingCircle(out center, out radius); if (succ) { vdCircle circle = new vdCircle(doc, center, radius); circle.PenColor.ColorIndex = 0; circle.Transformby(curve.ECSMatrix); doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(circle); doc.Redraw(true); } }