70002586 Implement SnapModeAffect for javascript web control

Article 70002586
Type Wish
Product vdRay
Version 1102
Date Added 11/7/2024 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (11/7/2024 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Brendan Fry


Implement SnapModeAffect for javascript web control


In version 11.3.2 vdLayout.SnapModeAffect is also supported for web control
see also Article 70002585

vdcanvas.GetActivLayout().SnapModeAffect = 2 + 1

//set the snap affect to SnapToUserGetPointsOnly (= 1) mouse locked on snap points only for a user action that waiting a point from the user
// and
// SnapInsidePickSize (=2) mouse locked on snap points when it is inside the document.GlobalRenderProperties.PickSize

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