Article | 70002589 |
Type | Wish |
Product | Engine |
Version | 1102 |
Date Added | 11/12/2024 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (11/12/2024 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | VectorDraw Team |
Insert a block from an other drawing using serialization and deserialization
A new Interface VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.IObjectsSerialization was implemented for vdDocument.Activator object
used to manage export and import objects between deferent vdDocument objects
It contains the following methods
System.IO.MemoryStream ExportObject(object obj);
Export the passed object into a stream memory data of bytes
obj: Usually an object that implements VectorDraw.Serialize.IVDSerialise interface
return A stream memory data of bytes
object ReadObject(System.IO.MemoryStream exportedData);
Create a new object from the passed tream memory data of bytes previouly created by ExportObject method
exportedData: A memory data of bytes previouly created by ExportObject method
return A new object clone of the object previouly used by ExportObject
object CloneObject(object obj);
Create a clone of the object object by also cloning any reference serializable properties of the passed object
obj:An object to create a clone usually an object that implements VectorDraw.Serialize.IVDSerialise interface.This object can then safelly added into an other vdDocument object
returns A clone of the passed object
Example with ExportObject and ReadObject
//import a known block name from an existing drawing on disk to our open working document //same can be done for example with entities in model space or Layers etc.. vdDocument doc;//suppose it is our working document which has previously created String sourceFilePath = @"D:\Trampa\Trampa2\STAVROS\Support\New folder\AddBlockFromDWGFileMemoryReleaseIssue\DWG\KK-HYDRA Compact Basic-06.03.dwg"; String blockName = "KK-HYDRA Compact Basic-06.03-POL-INT-L"; //create a new temporary document to hold to open the existing drawing on disk vdDocument tmpdoc = doc.Activator.CreateInstance("vdDocument") as vdDocument; tmpdoc.Open(sourceFilePath); //find the desired block name in the document //Note : we can not set the same vdBlock object from on document to an other.This is not permited. //Also the block reference to other objects that also needed //Serialization will write the vdBlock object with all of its depends objets. vdBlock blk = tmpdoc.Blocks.FindName(blockName); if (blk == null) return; //get the vdDocument Activator object that implements the IObjectsSerialization interface used to Export / import objects between documents IObjectsSerialization objser = doc.Activator as IObjectsSerialization; System.IO.MemoryStream retstream = objser.ExportObject(blk); vdBlock block_new = objser.ReadObject(retstream) as vdBlock; if (block_new == null) return; //set this flag because it is very possible imported object to have same handle with existing objects in drawing doc.Openflags |= vdDocument.OpenFlagsEnum.RecoverDublicateHandles; //if a block with same name already exist in the drawing change the block name with a uniqe name if (doc.Blocks.FindName(block_new.Name) != null) block_new.Name = doc.Blocks.getUniqueTableName(block_new.Name); //select the new document for the new created block block_new.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); //create a new vdInsert object that reference the new inserted block and add it to the docuemnt model entities vdInsert ins = new vdInsert(); //needed to set all needed properties with document defaults like Layer LineType Color and other styles ins.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); ins.setDocumentDefaults(); ins.Block = block_new; doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(ins); //redraw to see changes doc.ZoomExtents(); doc.Redraw(false);
Example with CloneObject
//import a known block name from an existing drawing on disk to our open working document //same can be done for example with entities in model space or Layers etc.. vdDocument doc;//suppose it is our working document which has previously created String sourceFilePath = @"D:\Trampa\Trampa2\STAVROS\Support\New folder\AddBlockFromDWGFileMemoryReleaseIssue\DWG\KK-HYDRA Compact Basic-06.03.dwg"; String blockName = "KK-HYDRA Compact Basic-06.03-POL-INT-L"; //create a new temporary document to hold to open the existing drawing on disk vdDocument tmpdoc = doc.Activator.CreateInstance("vdDocument") as vdDocument; tmpdoc.Open(sourceFilePath); //find the desired block name in the document //Note : we can not set the same vdBlock object from on document to an other.This is not permited. //Also the block reference to other objects that also needed //Serialization will write the vdBlock object with all of its depends objets. vdBlock blk = tmpdoc.Blocks.FindName(blockName); if (blk == null) return; //get the vdDocument Activator object that implements the IObjectsSerialization interface used to Export / import objects between documents IObjectsSerialization objser = doc.Activator as IObjectsSerialization; vdBlock block_new = objser.CloneObject(blk) as vdBlock; if (block_new == null) return; //set this flag because it is very possible imported object to have same handle with existing objects in drawing doc.Openflags |= vdDocument.OpenFlagsEnum.RecoverDublicateHandles; //if a block with same name already exist in the drawing change the block name with a uniqe name if (doc.Blocks.FindName(block_new.Name) != null) block_new.Name = doc.Blocks.getUniqueTableName(block_new.Name); //select the new document for the new created block block_new.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); //create a new vdInsert object that reference the new inserted block and add it to the docuemnt model entities vdInsert ins = new vdInsert(); //needed to set all needed properties with document defaults like Layer LineType Color and other styles ins.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); ins.setDocumentDefaults(); ins.Block = block_new; doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(ins); //redraw to see changes doc.ZoomExtents(); doc.Redraw(false);
Example using the data transfer of Clipboard object data
//Copy entities of grip selection from source document of your application //to destination document active action layout of an other instance of your application //using the data transfer of Clipboard object data xcopy(sourceDocument);//call for source application instance document xpaste(DestDocument);//call for destination application instance document void xcopy(vdDocument doc){ vdSelection set = doc.GetGripSelection(); if (set.Count == 0) return; MemoryStream stream = ((IObjectsSerialization)doc.Activator).ExportObject(set); System.Windows.Forms.DataObject dataobject = new DataObject(); dataobject.SetData("xvdf", stream); System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataobject); } void xpaste(vdDocument doc){ System.IO.MemoryStream data = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetData("xvdf") as MemoryStream; if (data == null) return; vdSelection set = ((IObjectsSerialization)doc.Activator).ReadObject(data) as vdSelection; if (set == null) return; doc.Openflags |= vdDocument.OpenFlagsEnum.RecoverDublicateHandles; foreach (vdFigure item in set) doc.ActionLayout.Entities.AddItem(item); doc.Redraw(false); }