70002594 Fillet command to work with polylines

Article 70002594
Type Wish
Product Engine
Version 1102
Date Added 11/19/2024 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (11/23/2024 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Rafael de Freitas


Fillet command to work with polylines


In version we added in the Fillet and FilletEx (with radius) commands the ability to work with vdPolylines.

Regarding the Fillet override method of vdLine.vdArc and vdPolyline note the following.
The Fillet override of vdPolyline figure can take as parameter a vdLine , vdArc and a vdPolyline object. The result polyline is returned in the calling polyline figure.
The fillet override of vdLine and vdArc did not change because the result polyline cannot be returned. Instead you can convert the line and arc into a polyline (with AsPolyline() method) and then call the Fillet override of that polyline in order to get the result also.

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