70002609 Webcontrol to support new Osnap modes Apparent Intersection and Apparent Extension

Article 70002609
Type Wish
Product WebJS
Version 1102
Date Added 12/25/2024 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (12/30/2024 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Brendan Fry


Webcontrol to support new Osnap modes Apparent Intersection and Apparent Extension


In version 11.3.4 following new osnap modes were added
vdConst.OsnapMode_PER = 16; //gets the perpendicular point of an action with Reference point to a line or arc object
vdConst.OsnapMode_APPINT = 1024;//get the intersection between line and arc segments
vdConst.OsnapMode_APPEXT = 2048;//get the extension of line and arc segments
In Apparent intersection and apparent extension osnaps the user picks the source entity first and then a second point/entity to get the desired osnap
Polylines are also supported (mentioned as lines and arcs above). Ellipses are not supported.

Osnap values can be set/get using the vdcanvas.SetOsnapMode and vdcanvas.GetOsnapMode methods

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