Custom Services

An increasing number of users are working in a mutually beneficial relationship with us for application development and related professional services. Our staff have a wide range of experience, from developing specialized applications and solving problems for a specific industry to developing institutional applications suited for a large organization's day-to-day operations.

In our days almost all applications have and need graphical output which makes the application more user-friendly. Our experienced in graphics personnel can guide you in order to have the desired result. We can also provide specific guidance in implementation and even more implementing special requirements by providing add on libraries that will match your application's needs.

Customized Support for You

One of the greatest rewards our clients get from working with our services staff is benefiting from the knowledge our staff have of the future direction for all of our software products. Our services staff take advantage of the most up-to-date VectorDraw Framework software functionality and interact with the broad spectrum of relational database management systems and related technologies. They provide customized consulting and design services for the entire suite of today's CAD applications (engineering, sketching, drafting etc), including requirements analysis, design, development, and implementation, for a wide range of CAD disciplines.

VectorDraw Extra Support scheme is a specific issue support scheme that it is designed especially for the customers with extra needs for specific work.

It is provided to our customers as a per-incident or per-hour after further communication and agreement with the customer. This service can offer:

  • Custom functions

  • Custom Object & Actions : we can implement custom objects for a specific client that will provide his project the required custom functionality (for example a circle object that in 3D could be rendered as sphere).

  • Whishes and new functionality to the VectorDraw Developer Framework engine.

In case that you need something extra that the component cannot offer then we can discuss the issue further and if your request is feasible we can provide you that little extra.