VDF Articles
Returned 1601 results listed below
70002330 GetBoundaryPolyFromPoint improvements to work with small equality
Category: WishGetBoundaryPolyFromPoint improvements to work with small equality
70002326 I would like the vdRect to have 5 grip points
Category: HowToI would like the vdRect to have 5 grip points 4 in the corners to resize and one in the middle to move it.
70002324 getBoundaryPoly not to remove inline points
Category: WishgetBoundaryPoly not to remove inline points
70002325 Howto get figure entities added to the undo history
Category: HowToHowto get figure entities added to the undo history
70002323 Get the affected entities from the UndoHistory redo stack
Category: WishGet the affected entities from the UndoHistory redo stack
70002319 vdRender LockPenStyle to work with drawing lists
Category: WishvdRender LockPenStyle to work with drawing lists
70002317 CmdMirror to have an option to keep source objects
Category: WishCmdMirror to have an option to keep source objects
70002311 supports textures for vdPolyface with MeshDrawType AUTO
Category: Wishsupports textures for vdPolyface with MeshDrawType AUTO
70002309 Support import and export of OBJ files
Category: WishSupport import and export of (Wavefront ) OBJ geometry definition file format