VDF Articles
Returned 1580 results listed below
60000122 Change the resources (vdres.txt) while the project is running
Category: WishChange the resources (vdres.txt) while the project is running
60000062 Crossing and Selection Window transparent colors
Category: WishCrossing and Selection Window transparent colors
60000170 New methods added to vdPolyface object CreateSphere,CreateBox,CreateCone.
Category: WishNew methods added to vdPolyface object CreateSphere,CreateBox,CreateCone that can create 3D objects sphere box and cone without adding them to the Document like the cmdSphere,CmdCone,Cmd3DBox do.
60000159 Export properties for better line resolution.
Category: WishExport properties for better line resolution.
60000161 hatched object to be drawn in action render(e.g. during move commands).
Category: Wishhathed object to be drawn in action render(e.g. during move commands).
60000162 Divide and Measure methods added in curve object.
Category: WishDivide : Divides the curve into NumSegments segments.Measure : Divides the curve into segments with length equal to the passed parameter.
60000157 Change EnableAutoGripOn during runtime.
Category: WishChange EnableAutoGripOn during runtime.
60000151 How can I get an entity and show its properties in a vdPropertyGrid using a vdScrolableControl
Category: HowToHow can I get an entity and show its properties in a vdPropertyGrid using a vdScrolableControl ?
60000147 CmdMtext CmdMtextEdit commands added.
Category: WishCmdMtext, CmdMtextEdit commands added in CommandAction in 6007 version. A cursor appears to the screen helping the user to insert an Mtext. The ActiveTextHeight, ActiveColor and ActiveTextStyle properties of the ActiveDocumentare used to the new created Mtext. The command ends whith right click or Esc button. Buttons supported:Enter: creates a new line.All cursor Keys (Up, Down, Left, Right): navigate the cursor to the Text.Delete, BackSpace and Insert buttons: Used as common text editors.
60000139 JobLoop event occurs when a command job is inside a loop waiting from the user to press a mouse button or a keyboard key.
Category: WishJobLoop event occurs when a command job is inside a loop waiting from the user to press a mouse button or a keyboard key.