VDF Articles

Returned 1601 results listed below

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60000212 Korean text is not saved correctly in DWG.

Category: General

Korean text is not saved correctly in DWG.

60000208 Setting the LineType Penstyle to Render

Category: HowTo

How can I change the linetype (solid, dashdot, etc.) for a render object? I know that the vdLineType is selectable in the Vdraw.BaseControl.ActiveDocument.LineTypes, but I can't find a similar collection for render line types.

60000205 Select entity of an XRef

Category: HowTo

What would be the best way to find an entity displayed under the cursor ? I would like this selection to detect entity from the current document or any xref attachment.

60000202 How to calculate the point that a user clicks on a polyface in 3D

Category: HowTo

How to calculate the point that a user clicks on a polyface in 3D.

60000198 How can I use new objects and features with the wrapper component.

Category: HowTo

The wrapper component is a COM ActiveX that can be used in environments like vd6 and c++6. We have implements .tlb files which can be added in the project's references and can give your application functionalities of the new component. For more information and implementations you can contact us for more details. Exported tlb files : VectorDraw.Serialize.tlbVectorDraw.Render.tlbVectorDraw.Professional.tlbVectorDraw.Geometry.tlbVectorDraw.Actions.tlbVdrawPro5.tlbvdrawi5.tlbvdPropertyGrid.tlbVdProControl.tlb

60000194 How to invert/disable MouseWheel functionality, how to disable Pan.

Category: HowTo

How to invert/disable MouseWheel functionality, how to disable Pan.

60000191 HowTo override DrawBackground event of VectorDrawBaseControl

Category: HowTo

HowTo override DrawBackground event of VectorDrawBaseControl in order to draw an Image to the Background.

60000192 New Method : PostExecuteCommand of vdCommandLine component.

Category: Wish

New Method : PostExecuteCommand of vdCommandLine component.

60000193 New Property : TimerBreakForDraw

Category: Wish

New Property : TimerBreakForDraw

60000039 New Property : Support Measurement and INSUNITS variable.

Category: Wish

New Property : Support Measurement and INSUNITS variable.