VDF Articles

Returned 1606 results listed below

Howto General Wish All

60000180 Key handling in 6007.

Category: Wish

From 6007 All keys are being sent to the commandline (as it was in previous versions) but the focus remains to the control. This way the KeyEvents work properly and better. If you require in your application to stop sending the Keys to the commandline (for example if you want to move with arrows and disable all commands written in the command line) then you can use the following property as follows: VDraw.FrameControl.CommandLine.ProcessKeyMessages = false; Default value is true.

60000177 ToStream and LoadFromMemory support Compress mode

Category: Wish

ToStream and LoadFromMemory support Compress mode

60000176 How can I read the polylines attached to a polyhatch object?

Category: HowTo

How can I read the polylines attached to a polyhatch object?

60000172 How to Show grips of an entity

Category: HowTo

How to Show grips of an entity.

60000173 PolarTrack events and multi PolarTrackAngle values

Category: Wish

PolarTrack events and multi PolarTrackAngle values to be added

60000174 New 3D sample added named Presentation.

Category: Wish

New 3D sample added named Presentation.

60000122 Change the resources (vdres.txt) while the project is running

Category: Wish

Change the resources (vdres.txt) while the project is running

60000062 Crossing and Selection Window transparent colors

Category: Wish

Crossing and Selection Window transparent colors

60000170 New methods added to vdPolyface object CreateSphere,CreateBox,CreateCone.

Category: Wish

New methods added to vdPolyface object CreateSphere,CreateBox,CreateCone that can create 3D objects sphere box and cone without adding them to the Document like the cmdSphere,CmdCone,Cmd3DBox do.

60000159 Export properties for better line resolution.

Category: Wish

Export properties for better line resolution.