If you encounter any difficulty with authorizing/unauthorizing our product please download our latest vdAuthorizeApp application from the link below
Authorization Utility for Developers for version 10 and prior: vdAuthorizeApp (available only for VDF customers). Note the application should state "ver10005.1" in its title.
Authorization Utility for Developers for version 11: vdLic.exe (available only for VDF customers). Note the application should state "ver11.1.3" in its title.
You can also download our vdDiagnostic utility which may help our support team diagnose problems in your developer machine
Diagnostic utility: vdDiagnostic
This utility produces the vdDiag-LOG.txt with the VDF
dlls/tlbs/ocx installed in the system. It also produces a
vdDiag.CAB file that you should sent to us if it is asked by our
support team.
Note: These utilities must be run with administrative privileges in the system, and in Windows Vista/Seven/8/10/11/Server2008/Server2012 with right-click and "Run as Administrator" option.