All Articles for version[10.1002]


Wish : 70002244 Add AccessToken parameter in SelectDocument method
Wish : 70002278 Format Length and angles with Linear and Angular units
Wish : 70002285 Improve action pan performance
Bug : 70002233 Mtext is not exported properly in vds file format
Bug : 70002246 Polyline with Widths is not displayed properly on WebControl
Bug : 70002261 Save vds with excludeFromSave items is not working properly
Bug : 70002264 not triggering callback if being canceled by user


Bug : 70002240 DGN is not imported properly
Bug : 70002252 Imported DGN is missing some entities and xproperties
Bug : 70002269 Some DXF Mesh objects are not imported properly
Bug : 70002270 Export Import vdPolyHatch to Dwg file format issues
Bug : 70002290 Hebrew Text in PDF import wrong orientation
Bug : 70002293 Error openning some dwg files on Linux Systems


Wish : 70002242 I wish that the Product object could also have some ifcElement properties like Tag and Obje
Bug : 70002267 Some IFC objects are not imported


Wish : 70002225 I wish bHatch dialog could have a checkbox to send the created polyhatch to the back of the
Wish : 70002231 Apparent intersection to work between line and circle or arc that are in different planes
Wish : 70002248 GradientColors of vdPolyface are not displayed in wire2d mode with MeshDrawType other than
Wish : 70002249 Draw lists to check for EnableLighting for objects inside blocks
Wish : 70002250 Display message of unsupported SKP files
Wish : 70002256 Disable URL export in PDF files when EnableURL property is false
Wish : 70002257 EdgeColor to be applied also in wire2d and wire 3d modes
Wish : 70002241 Z Depth buffer during action draw events
Wish : 70002262 RenderingFilter to be supported by vdPrinter object
Wish : 70002245 Different colors for each vertex of a single face of vdPolyface
Wish : 70002271 Improve performance of the StartUp Action
Wish : 70002274 Perform smoother pan
Wish : 70002280 Cut polyfaces command creates a lot of visible edges to the result polyface
Wish : 70002286 Support Arch A to E paper sizes in native PDF export
Bug : 70002232 Hebrew and Arabic RightToLeft text is not properly exported to PDF
Bug : 70002234 Small UI issue in frmPDFImport
Bug : 70002235 CmdCircle does dot parse user input value for radius
Bug : 70002237 Opening a dwg file attributes handles are not correct
Bug : 70002238 EMF is not opened properly with EMImportProperties VDF8 or AsExploded
Bug : 70002239 Png images with Alpha values are not saved properly to web vds format
Bug : 70002247 Cannot open drawing with mapped image polyface when image is missing
Bug : 70002258 CmdMirror does not work properly with images
Bug : 70002260 GridMode is not working with viewports
Bug : 70002263 CmdStretch is not working properly with 3d vdArc objects
Bug : 70002265 special xproperties with code 1002 do not open correctly in DXF
Bug : 70002268 Issue undoing mirror command on text
Bug : 70002275 CmdChamfer is not working with 3d lines
Bug : 70002276 vdImageDef name for images with same filename in different folders
Bug : 70002277 DrawSolidPolygon is not working properly
Bug : 70002279 Adding a figure using CommandAction over an active viewport leaves garbage in the drawing s
Bug : 70002281 Invalidate is not working properly with viewports
Bug : 70002272 Exporting vdPointCloud to LAZ lose colors and coordinates
Bug : 70002282 Hatch with very small size is not exported imported properly to and from DWG file
Bug : 70002283 vdPolyface AUTO MeshDrawType is not drawing properly
Bug : 70002284 update viewport borders is required when we change viewport during an action
Bug : 70002288 open Dxf is thrown an Exception under net core 6
Bug : 70002289 SaveDXFToStream does not finalize the file correctly
Bug : 70002291 Semi transparent pixels of TIF image not rendering in Shaded mode
Bug : 70002292 DXF is not opening with ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY
Bug : 70002294 Wrong exporting image with ClipBoundary to pdf
Bug : 70002295 Hatched polylines are not printed the same as screen output