All Articles for version[10.1005]


Wish : 70002404 Web library lines intersection function
Wish : 70002405 Support custom objects with grips and custom osnaps
Wish : 70002420 How can I check if the passed point is on a line
Bug : 70002411 Default mouse cursor is clipped out when section clips applied
Bug : 70002412 Fitting Splines are not draw properly
Bug : 70002422 ActiveLayOut property is not sabved to vds file format
Bug : 70002432 Osnap point is not display when calling GetUserRect
Bug : 70002439 Some custom type figures are not transformed
Bug : 70002454 Error importing web vds to VDF


Bug : 70002429 Import specific PDF throws an exception
Bug : 70002430 Import specific DWF throws an exception
Bug : 70002433 Multi thread saving Dwg Dgn Dwf and opening pdf throws an error
Bug : 70002434 Faster conversions between dwg dxf dgn dwf dae formats
Bug : 70002437 Error exporting SKP files
Bug : 70002438 Some polyfaces are not imported properly from dgn files
Bug : 70002451 Polyline with more than 5000 vertexes are not exported properly in DGN


Wish : 70002362 I wish to have the Burst command
Wish : 70002413 Wish clipBoundary for Inserts to be supported in DXF
Wish : 70002414 Support vertex colors define by GradientColors to be upadated after vdPolyface combine opar
Wish : 70002415 Have edge colors from EdgeColor property for isIndexed colored polyfaces
Wish : 70002416 Save Open to from stream and data buffer
Wish : 70002417 Action dynamic user 3d rotation to fire OnAfterModifyObject event
Wish : 70002418 New Xproperties property of vdFileProperties
Wish : 70002419 A new Dialog to filter entities while selecting
Wish : 70002421 Property to control whether network files like images to be loaded or not during load
Wish : 70002424 Osnaps improvements
Wish : 70002431 Slight offset in image surface mapping
Wish : 70002448 Split Polyline with more than one points
Bug : 70002407 LayoutSplit does not Raise onAfterModify event on SplitWindowSize when the user changes it
Bug : 70002408 Corrections with polyface combine oparations
Bug : 70002409 Actions to be visible only when the control has the focus
Bug : 70002423 SNAPON ORTHOON is not working properly in big coordinates
Bug : 70002425 Some TTFs are rendered as Arial in VDF
Bug : 70002426 Error Exporting to vdf with uknown Xproperty types
Bug : 70002428 The ContinousDimension command does not recognise AR for AutoRotated as prompt
Bug : 70002435 vdFigures with Nan BoundingBox produce incorrect rendering
Bug : 70002436 DXF 12 file raises an error on open
Bug : 70002441 Layout BoundingBox not to be deserializable
Bug : 70002443 Continous Dimension command is not working well in UCSW when UCS is other than the default
Bug : 70002449 Split of vdCircle and vdEllipse produce wrong results
Bug : 70002455 Improve vds open performance
Bug : 70002457 DXF export is not correct when PaperSpace layout name is present
Bug : 70002458 User Dynamic 3d rotation is not working properly
Bug : 70002453 Hatch is not exported properly in native PDF
Bug : 70002461 Licence is not working with Asp NET projects