All Articles for version[11.1.2]


Wish : 70002464 vdgeo linenearest to work with 3d points
Wish : 70002471 Support transformation event of custom objects
Wish : 70002474 Pixelated Osnap Nearest separated from Geometrical Osnap Nearest
Wish : 70002490 Explode entities into its component parts
Wish : 70002504 Sorting selection in web control
Wish : 70002526 Sorting Osnaps with snap type priority
Bug : 70002462 AttributeDef object types are not display
Bug : 70002469 vdConst.cloneEntity is thrown an exception
Bug : 70002494 UpdateFig method is throw an exception
Bug : 70002508 MText is not displayed correctly in webcontrol


Wish : 70002470 Dwg WipeOut objects are imporeted with wrong Fillcolor
Wish : 70002479 Slow in opening a DWG file with complex hatches
Bug : 70002484 Error openning specific skp file
Bug : 70002485 IFCVersion is not honnored in vdConverter
Bug : 70002493 vdFigure TransparencyMethod KeepOwn is not working properly
Bug : 70002513 Hatches are not exported properly in Dwg format
Bug : 70002487 Dgn Text objects are imported with wrong insertion point


Wish : 70002463 Open Save IFC using vdDocument Open and Save methods
Wish : 70002467 Supporting PLY files
Wish : 70002473 I would like to see the icons a little larger in the popup form of the commandline
Wish : 70002480 Version 11 nugets and net6 library
Wish : 70002459 Embeded resources menu commands and images
Wish : 70002482 Wish to have a method to calculate the outer boundary of some entities
Wish : 70002492 implement the IvdObjectCollection on more VDF collections objects
Wish : 70002496 Export sort method for vdLayers vdLayouts collection
Wish : 70002507 When export to pdf I want OFF layers to be added to the layers list of the pdf file and to
Wish : 70002510 Mapping vdImage with world coordinate system
Wish : 70002519 I would like to have the ability to set Keywords when exporting to PDF
Wish : 70002529 Get Set RTF (Rich Text Format) contents with vdMtext object
Bug : 70002465 Large OBJ files throws Array dimensions exceeded supported range exception
Bug : 70002466 OBJ material file is not loading
Bug : 70002468 Import Obj file with support multi image attach material in a single polyface
Bug : 70002472 Anonymous block has same name with regular block and is mixed when opening DXF file
Bug : 70002475 Table object inside insert is not shown when opening specific DXF file
Bug : 70002477 Hatchpattern that is not added to the hatchpatterns collection is not saved in DXF
Bug : 70002481 very simplyfied DXF does not load polyfaces
Bug : 70002483 Osnaps of vdPolyhatch with vdRect vdCircle vdArc curves are wrong
Bug : 70002486 mtl file created for exported OBJ files has incorrect characters for defining color and tra
Bug : 70002489 UndoHistory PushEnable and PopEnable is not working properly inside multi threading process
Bug : 70002495 PolyFace with big coordinates value are not rendering properly in 3d rendering mode
Bug : 70002497 Cloning of vdLineTypes ignores IsDPIScale and DrawMethod
Bug : 70002499 Incorect opening of vds file format with VDF 11_1_3
Bug : 70002501 Error exporting drawing to dwg when contains Xproperties with null PropValue
Bug : 70002502 Hatch with pencolor Bylayer and transparency Bylayer is not saved correctly in dwg
Bug : 70002503 Images Add does not support invalid filename characters as Name
Bug : 70002505 Specific Hatch Patterns drawing is thrown an exception
Bug : 70002509 Application throw an exception when closing after open spesific dwg files
Bug : 70002512 Layout Paper is not exported correctly in DXF
Bug : 70002515 FilletEx command raises an exception when the polyline has a lot of points
Bug : 70002516 Grid numbers in printout are not exported properly
Bug : 70002518 HatchOrigin is not imported and exported properly in DWG files
Bug : 70002521 DXF with Multileader does not have the correct TextHeight
Bug : 70002522 Linetype scale is not proper
Bug : 70002523 Dimension is not drawn correctly while on command when having ExtLineFixedLength and ExtLin
Bug : 70002524 Could not load specific DXF with blocks that reference itself
Bug : 70002525 DXF 3DPolyline is opened as MESH
Bug : 70002527 Osnaps Inside hatch pattern is incorrect
Bug : 70002530 Dxf file with controlpoints spline is not exported correctly in dxf
Bug : 70002531 Cursor crosshairs and pick rectangle move independently
Bug : 70002532 Mtext is not splitted correctly with its BoxWidth
Bug : 70002533 Precision of saving World2View and World2User matrixes are not proper
Bug : 70002534 Block Inside Block that reference itself throws Stack OverFlow exception
Bug : 70002535 GlobalRenderProperties.SelectionPreview still highlighting if set to SelectionPreviewFlags.