All Articles for version[11.2.1]


Wish : 70002549 Support InfinityLine Object snap
Bug : 70002541 Moving grip points user action is not working properly
Bug : 70002551 Some polyhatches are not exported properly to vds web format
Bug : 70002558 ExplodeObjects get wrong color layer and linetype


Bug : 70002542 Error reading dwg dxf proxy graphics data
Bug : 70002544 ClipBoundary of vdInsert is not imporeted properly from dwg file
Bug : 70002554 Dwg NamedDictionary are not imported to VdDocument UserTables
Bug : 70002555 Hatch export problem in DWG
Bug : 70002566 Default active dim style overrides are not uppdated properly when export to dwg format


Bug : 70002560 Drawing is not exported properly in DXF2000


Wish : 70002511 Open STEP file format
Wish : 70002538 Wish the filter Selection form to have xProperty as Filter Type
Wish : 70002540 Add geometric center OSnap for closed polylines and splines
Wish : 70002546 Color Dialog is not displayed correctly in dark mode
Wish : 70002564 Public export BaseAction.RaiseOnWorldToUserMatrix method
Bug : 70002539 Trying to edit multiple xproperties at the same time raises an error in the properties list
Bug : 70002543 Limits are not read correctly in DXF and DWG for specific file
Bug : 70002547 Dpi scaled Linetypes inside viewports are not exported properly to pdf
Bug : 70002548 LineType of vertical lines is not displayed properly
Bug : 70002550 Text with textstyles using GDT shx are not rendered properly
Bug : 70002553 Hatch display issue
Bug : 70002557 Misalignment Issue in Text Highlighting
Bug : 70002559 GEOCENTER osnap point is thrown an exception for a polyline
Bug : 70002562 PenStyles dialog does not keep changes to the default penstyle
Bug : 70002565 vdocument Dispose throw an unexpected exception
Bug : 70002568 SubtractSimple method of vdPolyline does not produce correct result in a spacial occasion