All Articles for version [6006]

     Wish : 60000014 Extra snap modes
     Wish : 60000093 Missing property to get the PropertyGrid control from vdraw.ocx control
     Wish : 60000096 Native PDF export support
     Wish : 60000097 The JobKeyDown/JobKeyPress used to cancel ESC key
     Wish : 60000098 The FilterFigure event do not fire with cursor over entity with URL/Tooltip
     Wish : 60000108 Add DisableOsnapDialog property.
     Wish : 60000109 Export PrinterDialog() property of vdPrint object.
     Wish : 60000118 Property grid to be read only
     Wish : 60000119 Change the height of the history window in vdFrameControl
     Wish : 60000125 Have a ForGround button in the frmColor dialog (like ByLayer and ByBlock)
     Bug : 60000091 When Ortho is on CmdSelect and Zoom methods of CommandAction return wrong results
     Bug : 60000092 Various errors when saving DXF files with images.
     Bug : 60000094 Problems in LockPend,UnlockPen,SelectPen methods of vdraw.ocx wrapper
     Bug : 60000095 CreateControl evenent of vdraw.ocx wrapper is not fired
     Bug : 60000099 Problems Resizing VectorDraw control between deferent layouts
     Bug : 60000105 Problem with User Linetype with text
     Bug : 60000106 Proplem setting the statusbar in VDF wrapper (vdraw.ocx)
     Bug : 60000112 osnapMode property is not saved properly in Undo history
     Bug : 60000113 Lights are not updated after regen
     Bug : 60000114 DXF file not opened correctly
     Bug : 60000115 Get Xproperties of LONG value type with Wrapper Interop component throws Exception
     Bug : 60000116 GetColorDlg and GetLineTypeDlg are not opening dialogs in vdraw.ocx
     Bug : 60000117 SaveToMemory and CreateFromMemory are not working properly in vdraw.ocx.
     Bug : 60000120 DWG file fails to open(out of range exception)
     Bug : 60000121 cmdPolyline problem with changed UCS
     Bug : 60000127 DimZin trailing Zeros in vdDimension object is not working correctly.