All Articles for version [6011]

     Wish : 60000329 Multi Page Print on PDF.
     Wish : 60000336 Keep vdDimension Block when open DXF DWG drawings
     Wish : 60000342 Lock Layers Changes and new implementations.
     Wish : 60000355 CustomObjects to be exploded to simple objects before saving in DXF/DWG
     Wish : 60000356 Edit/Change the triangle in the GroundSurface
     Wish : 60000358 Actual dimension's text in vdDimension Object
     Wish : 60000362 When PolarTrack is true, show a dotted polar tracking line
     Wish : 60000363 When PolarTrack is true, lock the cursor only to tracking angles
     Wish : 60000364 Implement Key Ctrl+A for SelectALL in Layers dialog.
     Wish : 60000373 New Document Property regarding OsnapMode.
     Wish : 60000374 Pan And Zoom Actions not to be written in the Undo History.
     Wish : 60000375 Change the minimun pattern line offset for solid show hatch filled objects
     Wish : 60000377 Slow redraw with grips
     Wish : 60000379 Highlight makes TTF text not readable
     Wish : 60000381 Export more functionality of the vdCommandAction
     Wish : 60000398 CreateHatchedPolyline methof of vdPolyhatch does not work with vertexes in 3D.
     Wish : 60000400 In vdraw.ocx wrapper the value DXF2007 of VdConstFileVer is missing
     Wish : 60000403 Point that is returned from cmds over a Grip (gravity) will have the WorldCoordinates of th
     Wish : 60000405 While the cmdSelect is running, the VDRAW_PREVIOUS_SELSET is empty
     Wish : 60000406 Slice method of the vdPolyface to be exported in VDF Prof. 6.x Wrapper.
     Wish : 60000408 PolyHatch object does not have osnap points
     Wish : 60000416 ExportMultiPagePDF to write to a memory stream
     Wish : 60000422 A new property in order to control how a url opening file is using the internet cache.
     General : 60000365 VB .NET issue with double names. Changed some property names!!!
     General : 60000409 Visibility property of vdFigure is not accesible in VB.NET
     Bug : 60000345 Error in MatchProperties method of vdMText
     Bug : 60000346 When VdrawRes property of VdProControl is empty automatically change its value to default V
     Bug : 60000347 Offset fails with specific polyline
     Bug : 60000348 VDProControl rises an error when closing form in design mode.
     Bug : 60000351 frmPrintManager in vdFormsRes project rises an error when open in design mode
     Bug : 60000352 Drawing polyline with zero vertexes rises error
     Bug : 60000353 LengthFromString method of LUnits and AngleFromString of AUnits returns incorect results.
     Bug : 60000354 Textstyles allocates more memory
     Bug : 60000361 vdSelection Select("All") method does not add vdText objects with Empty TextString property
     Bug : 60000366 FilletRadiusAtIndex and FilletRadius of vdPolyline returns wrong results
     Bug : 60000367 CmdWriteBlock does not write out a block in dwg file format
     Bug : 60000370 Union problem with specific polylines.
     Bug : 60000378 FileError strings occuring on the GenericError event.
     Bug : 60000380 Osnap point on entities is not correct repainted when overlaped with PolarTrack bitmap
     Bug : 60000382 Text display problem with OpenGL 3d render
     Bug : 60000386 Events of VectorDraw wrapper (vdraw.ocx) is take too long
     Bug : 60000387 Drawing cannot to be saved in DGN
     Bug : 60000392 Attributes inside blocks with Invisiblemode = true are displayed
     Bug : 60000393 Move insert with grip. Then undo causes attribs to be moved elsewhere and not the original
     Bug : 60000394 Osnap points for GroundSurface are not returned correctly.
     Bug : 60000395 BeforeModifyObject event problem when changing polyline's VertexList
     Bug : 60000401 Hatch dialog raises error(in gradient) when displayed in hatchproperties of an object.
     Bug : 60000404 The string 3/4" is converted to 3.75 instead of the correct 0.75
     Bug : 60000411 IntersectWithVector and GetPlane methods of gtriangle return wrong results
     Bug : 60000413 Hatch with HatchBlock grips displaying problem
     Bug : 60000415 Deleted items in blocks are created after exploding the vdInsert of this block
     Bug : 60000417 BHatch is producing wrong result with closed area with open spline and other entities.
     Bug : 60000420 GetTTFFileNames method of vdDocument throw an exception when openning dxf files
     Bug : 60000421 Wrong text justification in specific DWG
     Bug : 60000423 Osnaps do not show correctly when inserting a block.
     Bug : 60000424 vdRect issue with angle in hatchproperties when moving the object.
     Bug : 60000425 DWG file when saved in VDF looses the 3D view