All Articles for version [6022]

     Bug : 60001509 Bad block definition in DWG is lost after open
     Bug : 60001614 Wrong version displayed for DWG2010 files
     Bug : 60001519 Dimensions DimTp and DimTm values are not saved properly
     Bug : 60001527 Drawing cannot be exported to DXF version 12
     Bug : 60001609 Penwidth property of vdPolyline is not saved or open in DXF12
     Bug : 60001634 DXF file is not saved properly
     Wish : 60000883 UnRegister document object to be fired with events
     Wish : 60001330 Add the ability to Highlight the entities that the mouse moves over
     Wish : 60001359 IgnoreFrozenLayers to be added in Viewports so all layers are treated as thaw
     Wish : 60001508 Is it possible to add transparency in vdText and vdMtext objects in 3D (Render) modes
     Wish : 60001515 Excluding areas of triangles for GroundSurface object
     Wish : 60001518 New event ActionLayoutBeforeDeActivated for vdDocument
     Wish : 60001521 new constractors for vdFigure objects
     Wish : 60001529 Easy reference for vdXproperties collection
     Wish : 60001536 New PickEntityMode.Auto value for EntitySelectMode property
     Wish : 60001537 I wish trim and extend command would work with vdPolyhatch boundary objects
     Wish : 60001545 PolarTrack OthoMode GridMode SnapMode are not applied on Active ViewPorts
     Wish : 60001548 Constrained 3d Orbit
     Wish : 60001549 Sort of OsnapPoints take in consideration the Osnap Mode for equal points
     Wish : 60001555 I would like to control the basepoint in the CmdClipCopy command
     Wish : 60001563 I would like the CmdXline and CmdRay commands to have two parameters
     Wish : 60001566 3d orbit to be started when user press a key with a mouse button
     Wish : 60001581 Is it possible to add an auto horizontal-vertical dimension in cmdDim
     Wish : 60001583 Spline Command
     Wish : 60001588 New user action to navigate through the drawing by controlling the camera
     Wish : 60001592 New TimerInterval property
     Wish : 60001597 Export the URL property of the objects to SVG
     Wish : 60001604 vdImageDef objects do not save their xproperties to dwg Dxf file.
     Wish : 60001605 Embeded vdImageDef looses its name after saving to DWG
     Wish : 60001613 Is it possible to get the entities within a vdinsert using a window select
     Wish : 60001616 New clipping implementation with semitransparent draw
     Wish : 60001625 Support transparency in background of line-hatched vdPolyhatch objects
     Wish : 60001637 Rendering cliping surfaces with specific color when SectionClipCoverFaces is true
     Wish : 60001638 A property to return the last item in a collection
     Wish : 60001650 Dynamic Blocks of acad implementation
     Wish : 60001651 Geting the Osnap nearest to eye on 3d rendering mode
     Wish : 60001653 StringArray of FrozenLayerList takes too long to draw a viewport
     General : 60001589 FocalLength is not working properly
     General : 60001615 Improve printout quality for viewports with 3d render modes
     General : 60001619 In perspective mode all commands except view and zoom to be disabled
     Bug : 60001507 When SnapMode is ON mouse is not locked on object grip points
     Bug : 60001511 Polyline selection issue with clipping
     Bug : 60001512 PointOnLine of VectorDraw_Geometry_Globals returns wrong result
     Bug : 60001514 cmdSketch issues in 3D planes
     Bug : 60001520 When moving grip points the FilterActionPoint does not update the ref point
     Bug : 60001526 Entities of a vdShape object that reference frozen layer are visible
     Bug : 60001541 Rendering Lights with TransparentMethod CullFace are applied incorrect
     Bug : 60001542 isMirrorAngles method of VectorDraw.Geometry.MatrixProperties object returns wrong result
     Bug : 60001543 vdText and vdMtext looses connection to Textstyles Height after move or copy command
     Bug : 60001544 Dxf Files with elevation issue
     Bug : 60001546 Printing out Viewports on a big paper size throws on Exception
     Bug : 60001551 Draw of grip points does not thrown on DrawGrip override method of custom vdFigure
     Bug : 60001553 CmdClipPaste and undo problem
     Bug : 60001557 Filled polylines are not displayed properly
     Bug : 60001559 LockPenstyle is not working properly when an other LockPenstyle is active
     Bug : 60001562 when a user command is active and moving dialogs over the control action is drawn
     Bug : 60001568 elevation issue with DXF files
     Bug : 60001569 getUserEntity is not working as expected with Snap on
     Bug : 60001570 vdDimension is not displayed properly
     Bug : 60001571 Selection hightlight is not working properly when deselecting entity
     Bug : 60001584 Osnaps in 3D render are not working with Section Clips enabled
     Bug : 60001590 Spline Tangents are not calculated correctly
     Bug : 60001593 ExportMultiPagePDF is not working properly with 3d rendermode
     Bug : 60001601 Drawing with an Image inside a Viewport is not exported properly to a bitmap or pdf file
     Bug : 60001602 PickAdd is not working properly with cmdSelect.
     Bug : 60001606 Quadratic spline looses close flag when saved to DXF file
     Bug : 60001608 3D Objects are not rendered to bitmap properly
     Bug : 60001610 EntitySelectMode is EyeNearest in Layout issue
     Bug : 60001618 HightLightFilter enum and property name issue in VB.NET
     Bug : 60001623 Drawing linetypes in 3d when using opengl lists is very slow
     Bug : 60001628 Properties list not to show expandable cross when it is not necessary
     Bug : 60001633 bhatch is not working when selecting figures with Extrution Vector other than 0,0,1
     Bug : 60001641 HatchProperties with HatchPaterns that have IsByDpi true are not saved properly in DXF form
     Bug : 60001644 Solid polygons are not filled with background color in Hide render mode
     Bug : 60001646 Slice command does not properly slice a sphere
     Bug : 60001647 Xproperties with name Empty string do not save correct file when exported to DWG DXF format
     Bug : 60001648 Generate3dPathSection method of vdPolyface with StartVector or EndVector is not working pro
     Bug : 60001652 CmdPolyline issue if you choose to close a polyline with bulge
     Bug : 60001654 Is3dSectionVisible returns wrong results