All Articles for version [6024]

     Wish : 60001776 Import DWG and DXF named ucs
     Wish : 60001885 Read and explode properly the DWG's MultiLeader object
     Bug : 60001853 Objects exported to DGN loose the linetype information
     Bug : 60001888 Dublicated table objects with same name added when opening DWG files
     Bug : 60001836 Hatch with fillmode VdFillModeHatchBlock with empty block throws exception
     Wish : 60001842 New property Radiosity in vdRay
     Bug : 60001879 Material image of vdRect with hatchproperties does not apply correct.
     Bug : 60001886 Material images of figures not properly inserted in images collection of document due to ma
     Bug : 60001801 DXF file is not saved properly
     Bug : 60001864 Polyhatch with TextBox appears in wrong position
     Wish : 60001824 Option to import 3d shell elements as filled polylines
     Wish : 60001458 New Extension Osnap mode
     Wish : 60001753 I would like the Properties List to group similar objects
     Wish : 60001756 I wish to be able to cut a polyface using a vdCurve object
     Wish : 60001765 I wish that Dimensions would be connected with figures and follow their changes
     Wish : 60001779 Export a property to control the visibilty of pick box for user point actions
     Wish : 60001788 Selecting inner entities passing throw a polygon region
     Wish : 60001790 I want to use a user block of entities to display the UCS Axis of VectorDraw
     Wish : 60001793 A property to control the lighting smoothness of vdCurves
     Wish : 60001794 Default light source of Document, can be set to Positional or Spot.
     Wish : 60001800 Selection window boundary line have a different color from RubberBandColor
     Wish : 60001806 I want to be able to know if an image is detached and act accordinly
     Wish : 60001821 GetTableDependecies override method change to support more argument parameters
     Wish : 60001825 New methods of vdPolyface object which returns polyline regions
     Wish : 60001838 Export DeleteUnusedTables to VDF Wrapper
     Wish : 60001841 New Utility code Split Image added in vdfCAD
     Wish : 60001845 Insert osnap inside other block references is not calculated
     Wish : 60001857 ZoomPrevious issues with Rotate3D and Pan
     Wish : 60001862 I would like to set the tille of the layer form
     Wish : 60001866 Export CmdCutPolyface and OsnapDialogKey to the Wrapper component
     Wish : 60001881 Export Geometry.Globals.IntersectionViewMatrix to Wrapper
     Wish : 60001882 The gripBoundary ignores the entities on frozen layer 0
     General : 60001815 vdLayerCombo is added to the VectorDraw professional
     General : 60001829 New Sample added that shows how to Display extra properties for specific object types on gr
     General : 60001858 Improve redraw Performance
     General : 60001877 New MultiPrint multi thread sample added in .NET samples
     General : 60001878 How can I alter or change the exceptions and dialogs that occur
     Bug : 60001771 FilletRadious command of vdPolyline does not work correctly
     Bug : 60001772 Objects inside viewports with AlignToView are not exported properly to pdf bmp svg formats
     Bug : 60001773 FrmEditImage throws an exception when loaded from vdFormsres
     Bug : 60001774 Custom Polyline with AlignToView is not rendered properly
     Bug : 60001778 SPline is not rendered correctly
     Bug : 60001781 DXF file is not exported correctly when vdLine has extrusion vector and thickness
     Bug : 60001782 Select method of vdSelection is not working properly with solid fill figures and images
     Bug : 60001783 Osnap and TemporaryOsnap are not rendered correctly while cmdpolyline is active
     Bug : 60001784 END , MID onsap points are not working properly with vdCurves that have thickness other tha
     Bug : 60001786 While opening DWG files vdpolyhatch objects are turned into polylines
     Bug : 60001789 cdmXref with B sets the Entities of the block to be not document registered
     Bug : 60001795 Incorect Print of Perspective view
     Bug : 60001798 Drawing window Selection is flickering
     Bug : 60001802 ClearEraseItems does not dispose all unused elements
     Bug : 60001804 Mtext is not shown correctly in dwg file
     Bug : 60001805 Big shx font styles are not drawing properly
     Bug : 60001807 Corrections to special characters in vdText object
     Bug : 60001808 Do not load vdPoints that belongs to a special Layer with name DEFPOINTS when opening DXF D
     Bug : 60001813 Osnap dialog does not accept NONE osnap while in an action
     Bug : 60001816 LockPenStyle does dot update the color resources
     Bug : 60001818 Mid point osnap is not given correctly in polyface while in render rendermode
     Bug : 60001822 vdFigures that have an Empty BoundingBox are not selected by vdSelection.Select(SelectingMo
     Bug : 60001826 vdSelection Select returns wrong results
     Bug : 60001832 frmLayoutPrintManager to support inches or mm in Show method
     Bug : 60001833 Elevation is not opened correctly in DXF file
     Bug : 60001834 Drawing cannot be exported to PDF using printer
     Bug : 60001837 vdScrollableControl is flickering when is Refresh its drawing area
     Bug : 60001839 SelectionPreview is not highliting properly some lines
     Bug : 60001840 IsModified is not set to true after an UNDO operation
     Bug : 60001843 Viewport section clips not showing correctly
     Bug : 60001846 GetSmoothingNormals of vdRender increase the rendering time
     Bug : 60001847 Moving grip point if zoom very close to the grip is too slow
     Bug : 60001848 Enum property is thrown an exception with multi selected objects on PropertyGrid
     Bug : 60001849 OSnap problem when big coordinates
     Bug : 60001852 EMF is not shown properly
     Bug : 60001854 vdArc objects are not transformed correct by cmdRotate3D command
     Bug : 60001855 Malfunction in ExportDistributionFiles
     Bug : 60001856 The underline special character is not working on vdText objects
     Bug : 60001860 SmothAngle does not applied for vdPolyface in shade render mode
     Bug : 60001863 Select3d is slow when using opengl lists
     Bug : 60001868 Polyface cut is not working properly
     Bug : 60001869 TotalEditingTime of FileProperties returns wrong results
     Bug : 60001872 DXF is not opened properly
     Bug : 60001873 vdViewport is not updated properly
     Bug : 60001880 Textstyle Form is not updated correctly when a new textstyle is added
     Bug : 60001884 SPlines are not rendered properly
     Bug : 60001887 Null Label on vdLayer have issues in VB6
     Bug : 60001889 cmdEditText craches when there is no text to edit and delete button is pressed