All Articles for version [6028]

     Wish : 60002118 Looking to export the vds file from my application in C# and VB6
     Wish : 60002131 Is there a way to find the units of a drawing such as decimal or architectural
     Wish : 60002148 Tooltip in vdWeb library
     Wish : 60002149 I want to add a layer in vdWebLibrary using javascript code
     Wish : 70000009 I would like oSnaps added in vectordraw web control
     Bug : 60002178 Text objects of drawings take a wrong font when exported to VDS
     Bug : 60002185 Issues when drawing text in the web library
     Bug : 60002155 Issue with exported VDS file
     Bug : 60002162 Is there a way to get rid of the border when printing
     Bug : 60002164 Panning is not working in IE
     Bug : 60002168 Update of polyhatch objects fails
     Bug : 60002130 DWG cannot be opened
     Bug : 60002140 DWG is not opened properly
     Bug : 60002157 DGN file does not load texts
     Bug : 60002174 DGN fails to open and texts are not rendered properly
     Bug : 60002166 When rendering a document the bar freezes and fails
     Bug : 60002172 vdRay material dialog throws exception when selecting material image
     Bug : 60002173 Empty spaces at the end of table names produce erroneous DXF files
     Wish : 60002059 Ability to change the font color in vdLayerCombo
     Wish : 60002061 vdLayer dialog to show layers from XRefs
     Wish : 60002177 Anonymous blocks issues
     Wish : 60002180 EdgeColor cannot be reset in Wrapper
     Wish : 60002181 Choose text height in cmdText
     Wish : 60002192 Some hatches drawn as solid in 3D OpeGL render modes
     Wish : 60002070 Global variable for vdAtrributes show or hide
     Wish : 60002074 Sort the layers by name color linetype in layers dialog
     Wish : 60002089 Cut polyface command to have multiple element to be cut
     Wish : 60002098 Layer Manager Improvements
     Wish : 60002104 Ability to pass filename or block name point and scale to the cmdInsert dialog
     Wish : 60002105 Ability to have Grip points shown and snapping while a command action is running
     Wish : 60002120 cmdExtend and cmdTrim with selection
     Wish : 60002123 Is it possible to have an action like getUserEntity that finishes with the first click
     Wish : 60002125 New Stretch command with polygon selection
     Wish : 60002126 I would like LineWeightCombo ColorCombo and LinetypeCombo provided like layercombo
     Wish : 60002134 Ability to draw the XYZ axis inside inactive viewports
     Wish : 60002154 Control the quality of the JPG exported images
     Bug : 60002175 ShowHatches property is set to false after XRef Attach
     Bug : 60002179 LineWeights are not rendered properly in PDF printers when fillmode solid is applied
     Bug : 60002183 Linetype dialog fonts are dependable of the font used in Standard textstyle
     Bug : 60002186 Stretch command with multiple Vertexes in a polyline does not work well
     Bug : 60002187 While in move or select action osnap points are active
     Bug : 60002189 Transparency Backround color of 3d viewports is black
     Bug : 60002191 Draw hatches with OpenGL render increase the memory
     Bug : 60002193 vdPolyface bouning box calculation when object has penwidth
     Bug : 60002116 CTRL and ENTER causes issue in mText command
     Bug : 60002127 Extend of a line to a vdInfinityLine is not working properly
     Bug : 60002132 vdfCad crashes when a drawing is saved in dwg 2010 version and prior
     Bug : 60002142 Xproperties of type Boolean cannot be saved in VDF or VDI
     Bug : 60002156 Explode of vdInsert is not possisioning vdInserts properly
     Bug : 60002169 Incorect shx Font rendering
     Bug : 60002170 Mtext is not rendered properly
     Bug : 60002197
     Bug : 70000022 WMF file shows more entities in vdraw
     Bug : 70000074 Mtext is not parsed properly in systems with French locale