All Articles for version [7004]

     Wish : 60002163 Is it possible to have a method or property that returns the area of a given polyline
     Wish : 70000374 Copy command in web library.
     Wish : 70000375 I want to be able to pan rotate and scale at the same time
     Wish : 70000390 Could you tell me how I can set my camera at the position and direction I want
     Wish : 70000445 Support of webGL in web library
     Bug : 70000358 Chinese texts do not show correctly in web library
     Bug : 70000398 When camera is placed inside box in perspective mode clipping is wrong
     Wish : 60001792 Get the filenames of the images that are saved during an SVG save
     Wish : 70000393 DWG OLE object are converted to low resolution images
     Bug : 70000367 Hatch is not imported properly
     Bug : 70000387 ViewCenter and WorldToView matrix are not saved properly in DWG DXF formats
     Bug : 70000388 Problem saving ellipses in DWG2013
     Bug : 70000399 The vdLeader object is not exported properly
     Bug : 70000442 VDF Drawing freezes vdraw when exported to SKP format
     Bug : 70000448 While opening a DWG drawing VDF stops working
     Wish : 60000052 File permisions
     Wish : 60001095 cmdTrim to support trimming in the same polyline
     Wish : 60002153 Polyline join command in VDF
     Wish : 70000230 Support Background Color of Mtext and Text object
     Wish : 70000299 Calculating curves of intersecting 3D objects
     Wish : 70000334 I would like a multi cmdCopy command that will continue copying the selected items
     Wish : 70000336 Transparency to work in wire3d render mode
     Wish : 70000339 Better text display when aligntoview is true and opengl render is active
     Wish : 70000370 Support more paper sizes in PDF export
     Wish : 70000397 Export projectTransform in Wrapper
     Wish : 70000408 Grips not to be cleared when deactivate a layout or a viewport
     Wish : 70000422 Not draw the original object position when moving a grip point only the newly generated pos
     Wish : 70000451 Ability to apply vdImageDef interpolation property in Wire2DGdiPlus render mode
     Wish : 70000461 Polyhatch is not saved properly due to DoublePrecision
     Bug : 60000525 DimAZin issue
     Bug : 60001722 Offset polylines with bulges to produce bulges
     Bug : 70000012 Offset issue with specific polyline
     Bug : 70000016 Offset falls in infinite loop with specific parameters
     Bug : 70000356 DXF file fails to open after Purge is called and is saved
     Bug : 70000357 Action MText issues
     Bug : 70000362 Renaming a Layer in layer dialog the list is not updated
     Bug : 70000363 While using the face command users cannot specify the points through the command line
     Bug : 70000364 Background mask of vdText and vdMText support for web library
     Bug : 70000365 Cross window select with 0 height does not select vertical line
     Bug : 70000366 Filled areas with transparency are not refresh properly
     Bug : 70000368 Dpi lineTypes are not display properly
     Bug : 70000372 After the new command and setting background different than black a part of the drawing are
     Bug : 70000373 vdInsert is not visible after setting its layer to ON
     Bug : 70000376 Selection with WindowsPolygon return wrong results
     Bug : 70000377 Is it possible to disable or access the CommandLine from Wrapper ActiveX
     Bug : 70000378 cmdScale is not properly done in some vdDimension objects
     Bug : 70000379 While posting of command and command parameter the parameter is ignored
     Bug : 70000380 ExportToFile returns always false when exporting to pdf
     Bug : 70000382 Object inside block does not show correct color when in byBlock
     Bug : 70000383 TEMPHATCH to be supported while opening DXF files
     Bug : 70000384 Drawing cannot be exported as DXF
     Bug : 70000385 Hatchproperties with HatchBlock do not clip block correctly
     Bug : 70000386 BlockColorOper with BlockLayer is not working
     Bug : 70000392 When importing new vdInsert to document and calling invalidate a small part of the insert i
     Bug : 70000394 Osnaps are not working properly with polyface object
     Bug : 70000395 GetBoundaryPolyFromPoint method does not return a closed path with Spline
     Bug : 70000396 PDF export of vdImage not right
     Bug : 70000400 Type property of vdFigures in COM Wrapper component returns wrong results in deferent Cult
     Bug : 70000402 Draw TrueType text with AlignToView in perspective mode are not diplayed properly
     Bug : 70000403 Changing the Perspective Mode of a vdViewport the ViewSize also changed
     Bug : 70000405 vdImage alphablending not working as in version 6
     Bug : 70000406 Ggaps can be seen between filled polylines that are next to each other
     Bug : 70000407 Gaps can be seen in polylines when in HighQualityMode
     Bug : 70000409 Document is not redrawn correctly when under MDI form
     Bug : 70000410 Lines are not visible with RenderingQuality HighQuality and RenderMode Render
     Bug : 70000411 Moving grips of viewport issue
     Bug : 70000413 Select with WindowPolygon returns wrong results
     Bug : 70000415 Error when trying to trim a vdInfinityLine
     Bug : 70000418 Partial open do not load the handles to document handle table
     Bug : 70000421 Xproprerties are not read properly
     Bug : 70000423 PenCapsSquare with value True is not working with Linetypes
     Bug : 70000424 Circle and Arc radius can get negative values
     Bug : 70000428 Color of all entities is the same when it shouldn't when first opening the drawing
     Bug : 70000429 VdInsert of drawing is not visible when layer is set to OFF while it shouldn't
     Bug : 70000430 vdLayout RenderToGraphis is not working properly
     Bug : 70000431 Selecting is slow in perspective mode
     Bug : 70000433 After opening the frmPointStyleDialog and clicking cancel an undo is performed
     Bug : 70000434 Sketch command throws exception when the user first clicks
     Bug : 70000436 Selection issue
     Bug : 70000437 FadeEffect does not work for vdImage in Wire2dGdiPlus mode
     Bug : 70000438 Objects in Render mode using OpenGL seem distorted when HighQuality is enabled
     Bug : 70000443 Error in mirror command with vdInserts
     Bug : 70000444 MaterialMatrix is not working properly
     Bug : 70000449 cmdDimArc is crashing with vdPolyline object
     Bug : 70000450 VisibleOnScreen returns wrong result for horizontal lines
     Bug : 70000453 Linetype with TTF text is not properly rendered in Wire2DGdiPlus
     Bug : 70000454 Keep same opengl Context for all render objects
     Bug : 70000455 Edit points dialog of a vdPolyline change the Draw3dFlag to ExcludeFromList
     Bug : 70000456 OSnap not working properly in vdRect with thickness
     Bug : 70000457 MappedImages are not printed properly
     Bug : 70000459 Selecting entities are sorted with wrong Zorder
     Bug : 70000460 Line resulted from offset command changes color after regen