All Articles for version [7007]


Wish : 70000625 Printer resolution parameter added to printToImageData() function
Wish : 70000652 I want to be able to set different mouse buttons to default actions
Wish : 70000690 Export single CmdSelect command
Wish : 70000693 Get Shift Alt and Control keys pressed with mouse events
Wish : 70000705 Improve cmdMove cmdRotate cmdScale speed
Wish : 70000698 add block from existing file
Bug : 70000688 Update of vdMText_code type entities
Bug : 70000691 vdclick event is not fired
Bug : 70000695 Highlight of hatched areas is not proper
Bug : 70000697 AddXproperty return null if the passed value is empty string


Wish : 70000754 Drawing Stream property in WPF
Bug : 70000751 Wpf Control memory leak
Bug : 70000728 Increased CPU usage with multiple WPF components


Bug : 70000620 Drawing cannod be saved in DWG
Bug : 70000661 Leader objects are not read properly from DWG format
Bug : 70000700 3DSolids import and block name mix up
Bug : 70000714 Missing SHX file causes problem opening drawing
Bug : 70000747 DGN coordinates are wrong
Bug : 70000637 DGN is crashing during load


Wish : 70000635 Transparency of vdPolyface is lost after saving
Bug : 70000621 Polyface is not read properly
Bug : 70000717 MText line spacing is not proper


Bug : 70000622 Cannot open DGN file


Wish : 60000786 Add Align command
Wish : 70000563 I would like to have lookAt with twist
Wish : 70000569 Point editor to display radious, altitude or angle instead of bulge
Wish : 70000573 Get the intersection curves of the intersection of a polyface and a plane
Wish : 70000605 Dimension Text to be aligned to view and with dynamic size
Wish : 70000631 Improve rendering speed with drawings that contain Transparent entities
Wish : 70000632 Support draw point lines with OpenGL render
Wish : 70000640 Option to control the use of API draw TTF in 2D when text is not scaled
Wish : 70000643 More flexible Viewport Visible properties
Wish : 70000644 globally unique handle table with GUID
Wish : 70000656 When SlpitLayout is SingleView not to draw the yellow rect around the viewport
Wish : 70000744 Double click paper layout change only with left mouse button
Wish : 70000745 A new property that disable lighting for all text in the document
Wish : 70000623 Osnap NEA3D to use the PickSize
Wish : 70000753 Export Wire2dUseFontOutLinesFlag to the Wrapper component
Wish : 70000755 Improve entity selection speed
Wish : 70000659 How to use the default background color when using printOut
Wish : 70000662 Control the LineType and LineWeight of entities of Blocks in Layer 0
Wish : 70000664 Option to input point only on OSnap
Wish : 70000665 Disabled control color
Wish : 70000667 Control the breaking draw time of selection preview
Wish : 70000670 frmEditPointsDialog result when user cancel
Wish : 70000672 NEA_3D snapping to ignore locked layers
Wish : 70000674 Support DWG import export of viewport grid and snap properties
Wish : 70000678 vdScreenBlock texts are not rendered properly
Wish : 70000679 Slow mouseover Grips
Wish : 70000680 Faster mapped image draw
Wish : 70000681 I would like a method to know if a figure is in a vdGroup or not
Wish : 70000682 When you select an image add the filename path to the combobox dropdown
Wish : 70000701 Visibility of cutted edges in boolean operations
Wish : 70000706 Export a new vdRender method that will enable disable writing into depth buffer
Wish : 70000707 I would like a way to change the Location and width of the buttons in the color dialog
Wish : 70000720 Faster osnap selecting
Wish : 70000731 Is it possible to use getUserEntityOneClick in the wrapper object
Wish : 70000733 Improve rendering refresh time
Wish : 70000739 Export a property to initialize openGL rendering size in pixels
Wish : 70000650 Support FillColor property of vdDimension Text
Bug : 70000624 Large data grips not completely updating on screen
Bug : 70000626 Generate3dPathSection created wrong caps when curve resolution passed is different that thi
Bug : 70000627 Empty vdText raises an exception
Bug : 70000628 OnFigureMouseOver does not fire for vdInserts with tooltips
Bug : 70000629 Closed multiline is not rendered properly
Bug : 70000630 LockLayerMehod does not apply with Grip select action
Bug : 70000636 Select with EyeNearest is not working properly on filled entities
Bug : 70000639 Printing solid filled regions in Render mode ignores the Color
Bug : 70000641 Colors are not applied properly with RenderMode in some situations
Bug : 70000642 SplitLayout throw exception when viewports deleted of removed
Bug : 70000646 Linetype with TTF text is not properly rendered
Bug : 70000648 LookAt method problem when passing two gPoints
Bug : 70000649 LayerFilter Names with Unicode characters are not converted properly
Bug : 70000651 The Layer dialog do not update the document properly in some rare occasions
Bug : 70000653 CreateDefaultAttributes of vdInsert loose vdAttribs rotation
Bug : 70000654 vdEntities.GetBoundingBox is thrown an exception
Bug : 70000655 Hatch patterns are not drawn properly with OpenGL render
Bug : 70000746 vdDocument OsnapModeVisibilty causes GetOsnapPoints to be delay
Bug : 70000748 Text draw issues with texts that have PenWidth and Thickness
Bug : 70000749 Decimal delimiter is displayed while it should not
Bug : 70000750 Osnap Issues
Bug : 70000752 cmdPolyline refresh issue with bulges
Bug : 70000756 OSnap points are not working properly with vdMultiline object
Bug : 70000757 Nea 3D osnap improvements
Bug : 70000758 Single Layout Split view size appears slightly larger then slightly smaller when model spac
Bug : 70000759 GetBoundaryPoint is not working with specific drawing
Bug : 70000760 Export to PDF with DrawTextAsSelected fails
Bug : 70000761 FilterAtionPoint event does not applied on MoveGripPoints action
Bug : 70000657 CmdText is thrown an exception
Bug : 70000658 MergeTables issue with Default Table names
Bug : 70000660 Double click freezes the OnAfterModifyObject events
Bug : 70000663 Calling Undo after a ChangeOrder thrown an exception
Bug : 70000666 DXF is not opened
Bug : 70000671 Selection is not working with zero filled area entities
Bug : 70000673 Selecting Window Polygon on solid fill regions is not working
Bug : 70000675 HatchPatterns with big Origin coords are not drawn properly
Bug : 70000677 Ensure OpenGL initialisation PixelFormat to support Stencil Buffer
Bug : 70000683 Zoom Extends ignores a pixel in the bottom or left
Bug : 70000684 Polyhatches are not rendered properly in printer and PDF
Bug : 70000685 The vdMouseEnter does not fire after maximizing window
Bug : 70000686 Linetype with shape segments are not drawn in OpenGL 3d render mode
Bug : 70000687 Hatches with extrusion vector in X or Y direction rendering issue
Bug : 70000689 GetArcEndAngle2 is not working well
Bug : 70000692 vdRender DrawPline is thrown ArgumentOutOfRange exception
Bug : 70000694 Transparency polyface with mapped images is not drawn properly with OpenGL
Bug : 70000696 vdMtext is not loaded correctly
Bug : 70000699 Boolean operation creates some extra edges to the result
Bug : 70000702 BaseAction AcceptedPoints with OsnapsOnly value is not working when vdDocument OsnapModePr
Bug : 70000704 NullReferenceException when Invalidated VectorDraw control
Bug : 70000708 Undo is not working well after a cmdCopy command
Bug : 70000709 OpenGL tiles the image outside of it's bounds
Bug : 70000710 An Exception is raised when closing VectorDraw control
Bug : 70000712 Viewports with FrozenLayerList are not displayed properly in 3d
Bug : 70000719 DXF with Kyrillic codepage is not opened correctly
Bug : 70000724 Mapping images with transparent pixels is not working
Bug : 70000726 Grip color cannot be set properly
Bug : 70000727 DXF is not saved correctly with polyhatch
Bug : 70000732 Window Select is not working properly for specific drawing
Bug : 70000735 vdRender EnableDepthBufferWrite is not working with Render select
Bug : 70000738 BaseAction getpoint returns incorect value when pick over grip point
Bug : 70000741 Osnaps in lock layers are not displayed
Bug : 70000742 Polyhatches with penWidth are not exported properly in PDF
Bug : 70000703 Objects with AlignToView do not work correctly in CmdMirror and CmdScale command
Bug : 70000737 Image in 32bit applications is not rendered properly