All Articles for version [8005]


Wish : 70001734 Support Alpha for bkcolor of printToImageData method
Wish : 70001762 Support binary shx files that are not unicode formated with webcontrol vds format
Bug : 70001716 GetEntitiesFence() method is rissing an error
Bug : 70001736 Fill hatch with BackGround is not working


Wish : 70001709 Support PDF underlay in DWG files
Bug : 70001706 PrinterWindow property of vdPrint is not imported properly from dwg format
Bug : 70001717 Display modes are not exported properly in DWG and DXF files
Bug : 70001719 Memory improvents in DWG import
Bug : 70001788 Transparecy in hatch is lost during dwg import
Bug : 70001701 Wrong import of DGN TextNode object
Bug : 70001738 Display modes like Hide Wire Render are not imported properly from DWG files
Bug : 70001756 Polyhatch in DWG is not exported properly
Bug : 70001765 vdDimensions are missing from file
Bug : 70001767 Dgn external references are not loaded
Bug : 70001785 Error open specific dwg with ExternalReference
Bug : 70001797 Hatch is not imported properly


Wish : 70001769 I want to know the connection between objects in IFC format
Wish : 70001771 I want to know the units in IFC format
Bug : 70001741 Wrong IFC imported geometry for specific objects
Bug : 70001748 OSnaps for some vdIFCProduct objects are not working
Bug : 70001775 ifc file does not open
Bug : 70001776 ifc file does not open


Bug : 70001792 DXF import is not proper for some hatch objects
Bug : 70001766 Drawing with custom objects is not exported properly to DXF


Wish : 70001711 Improve vdml vdcl loading performance
Wish : 70001715 ViewCube Axis Osnap Grip sizes to follow the display scale
Wish : 70001721 vdPointCloud improve performance
Wish : 70001723 Impove vdPolyface Compine operations performance
Wish : 70001724 Export interface for similar properties of vdText and vdMText
Wish : 70001728 vdXproperty to support Decimal SByte and Char value types
Wish : 70001791 CmdArea with Points to support Undo Redo and User CS
Wish : 70001668 Add combo box with CTB files for user to use in printer forms
Wish : 70001707 Improvements in Memory manager and rendering speed
Wish : 70001737 Performance Issues on 4K screens
Wish : 70001747 Change CustomObject Name Space name
Wish : 70001753 I need a method to get the filter strings used in vdraw open and save dialogs
Wish : 70001754 Hide mode to have dashed lines for the hidden lines and edges
Wish : 70001764 SceneRotationSpeed to be applied also to the rotation done by ViewCube
Wish : 70001770 I wish attributes could show up as list in the properties list when an insert is selected
Wish : 70001774 Improve speed for vdRender DrawSolidPolygon method
Wish : 70001781 PropertyList to ignore big selections sets
Wish : 70001794 Add CmdInsert default accepted values
Bug : 70001708 opengl rendering coloring issue
Bug : 70001712 Layer On Off for Entities on Layer 0 and inside blocks
Bug : 70001714 getBoundaryPoly returns a non closed vertex list
Bug : 70001718 TestOffsetSide does not work properly with vdEllipse
Bug : 70001720 Mtext is not divided correctly
Bug : 70001727 ifcSite is added two times and with the wrong order
Bug : 70001793 VDF does not read properly the StyleName of linetypesegment of vds file
Bug : 70001730 Section Clip CoverFaces are not getting the correct color
Bug : 70001731 Intersection between two polyfaces creates an unwanted face
Bug : 70001733 CurveResolution is not properly used for curves inside block references with large scaling
Bug : 70001735 Print Split Layout is incorect
Bug : 70001739 Lasso select is not working properly
Bug : 70001744 Some placement issues with Texts
Bug : 70001745 Placement of Attribute when converted to Mtext
Bug : 70001746 vdPointCloud is not drawing properly inside viewports
Bug : 70001755 Mtext with tabs is not opened correctly
Bug : 70001758 OrbitActionKey is not working properly when combination includes right mouse key
Bug : 70001759 Background color flashes when using AfterOpen and AfterNew event to change background color
Bug : 70001760 Window Selection problems
Bug : 70001761 Selecting objects with section clips is not working properly
Bug : 70001768 Boolean operations change the passed original polyfaces
Bug : 70001773 MouseElevation is not working when OrhoMode is on
Bug : 70001777 Draw is Breaking Inside ListStart/ListEnd
Bug : 70001778 Viewport background has wrong effect with 2d Text antialiasing
Bug : 70001779 DXF export issue with invalid Hatchpattern
Bug : 70001783 Transparency in viewports does not working properly with intel graphic cards
Bug : 70001784 PNG Image is not exported properly in PDF
Bug : 70001786 Open drawing under certain conditions is thrown an exception
Bug : 70001787 Polyface selection returns wrong results