60001815 vdLayerCombo is added to the VectorDraw professional

Article 60001815
Type General
Product Engine
Version 6023
Date Added 9/27/2012 12:00:00 AM
Fixed (9/27/2012 12:00:00 AM)
Submitted by Peter Chanios


In version 6024 we moved vdLayerCombo to VectorDraw.Professional.dll. The namespace remains the same.


The layer combo is a small control which enables easy access to the layers of the Document.
You can change the ActiveLayer , change the layer of various figures , lock , unlock easily from a combobox.

In c# there is sample code in vdfCAD to add programmatically the control. You simply add the VectorDraw.Professional.dll in your references (which is almost always available and directly call the vdLayersComboBox.vdLayersCombo class.
You can also find the vdLayersCombo at the .NET Framework Components list and add it to your form.

For Visual Basic users this control can be used as following:
At the list of the controls you will find VectorDraw Components (6x) which contains the LayerCombo.
After adding it to your form you can initialize the combo as following : Set vdLayersCombo1.LayersDocument = VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject

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