Article | 60000749 |
Type | Wish |
Product | Engine |
Version | 6014 |
Date Added | 1/19/2009 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (1/28/2009 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | Christof Duvenbeck |
Is it possible to export the tooltip display options (colours, font etc) in wrapper ?
In version 6015 a new functionality was added in order the TooltipDisplay properties to be modify by COM container languages:
ToolTipDispProps property of VectorDraw_Professional.vdDocument was exported.
Modify Method of ToolTipDispProps was exported
Description of Modify method:
/// <summary>
/// Select new properties for the object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FontFamilyName">The FontFamily name.</param>
/// <param name="FontSize">Size of selected font.</param>
/// <param name="FontStyle">Style of selected font.</param>
/// <param name="Aligment">Alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.</param>
/// <param name="TextColor">Color used to draw the text inside the tooltip window.</param>
/// <param name="BkColor">Color used to fill the background of the tooltip window.</param>
/// <param name="FrameColor">Color used to draw a frame rectangle of the tooltip window.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// FontFamilyName is a the font name as it is display in the Windows Character Map.
/// FontSize the size of selected font in point units (1/72 inch for each unit)
/// FontStyle a compination of the following values : 0(Regular), 1(Bold), 2(Italic), 4(Underline), 8(Strikeout).
/// Aligment one of the following : 0(Left Align), 1(Center Align) , 2(Right Align)
/// TextColor as string in format : Red(0-255),Green(0-255),Blue(0-255) example : "255,0,0" for red color
/// BkColor as string in format : Red(0-255),Green(0-255),Blue(0-255) example : "255,0,0" for red color
/// FrameColor as string in format : Red(0-255),Green(0-255),Blue(0-255) example : "255,0,0" for red color
/// </remarks>
void Modify(string FontFamilyName,int FontSize, int FontStyle,int Aligment,string TextColor,string BkColor,string FrameColor);
example in VB6:
Dim doc As VectorDraw_Professional.vdDocument
Set doc = VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject
''tooltip is displayed using Arial Font with Italic+Underline , center align , and with red text in green background and black frame
doc.ToolTipDispProps.Modify "Arial", 12, 6, 1, "255,0,0", "0,255,0", "0,0,0"