Article | 60001312 |
Type | Wish |
Product | Engine |
Version | 6019 |
Date Added | 2/9/2011 12:00:00 AM |
Fixed | (2/11/2011 12:00:00 AM) |
Submitted by | Verma |
I wish the magnifier object would have a border and that I could modify it's color and size
A new class has been exported to the ActionMagnifier class.
The exported VectorDraw.Professional.ActionUtility.ActionMagnifier.DisplayProperties class has 2 properties
MagnifierPerigramColor : The Color of the Perigram of the Magnifgier Class. Default Color is Color.Transparent when the ForColor of the current render is being used instead.
MagnifierPerigramTransparency : The transparency of the perigram of the Magnifier. Default value is 96.
This Class can be used like this
VectorDraw.Professional.ActionUtility.MagnifierDisplayProperties props = new VectorDraw.Professional.ActionUtility.MagnifierDisplayProperties();
props.MagnifierPerigramColor = Color.Red;
props.MagnifierPerigramTransparency = 150;
VectorDraw.Geometry.gPoint retptWorld = VectorDraw.Professional.ActionUtility.ActionMagnifier.getUserMagnifierPoint(doc, 4, 500, (int)Keys.ShiftKey,props);